Radial Balance

Radial Balance
Radial Balance done in Oil Pastels by Mirium

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Principle of SPACE!

Unit Space 2nd -5th beginning of unit

·         Define the principle of space as used in art.
·         Create space by drawing a sphere, cone, and box and follow the space rules.
o   Get higher
o   Get smaller
o   Overlap
DOL: Day 1 – I will list the three rules of space independently.
                Day 2- I will draw a cone, sphere, and box showing the three rules of space.

I will: Define space and shows examples of space for students to see how the rules are used in paintings and photos. Draw the sphere, box, and cone using the rules and defining/explaining the rules and how to properly use them.

We will: TPS and review rules.
DOL: Day 1

They will:  Draw the cone, sphere, and box showing the rules (DOL day 2)

If given time I will start on second half of unit – using value to create space within a shape turning it into a form.

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